

  • In this program, we will explore the three different ecosystems in the Park.

  • We will look at the characteristics that make each one unique.


  • To understand what an ecosystem is, what it requires, and how it differs from other ecosystems.  

  • To be able to appreciate how a healthy ecosystem relates to a healthy society.


  • Biome

  • Ecosystem

  • Fauna

  • Flora

  • Grassland

  • Wetland

  • Woodland


  • An ecosystem is a community of living organisms in a specific area. Ecosystems make up an individual biome, which is an area that has specific climatic conditions that influence what flora and fauna (plants and animals) can live there. 

  • There are three types of ecosystem this program will discuss. 

    • Grassland: is simply defined as an ecosystem dominated by grasses. 

    • Wetland: is defined as an ecosystem with wetland hydrology, flora, and soils.

    • Woodland: is an ecosystem dominated by trees and can also be referred to as a woodland or forest.

Program Outline

  • Students will first spend time walking through the Education Center observing the displays.

  • Students will then make their way to the amphitheater for a brief introduction of the day’s activities and go over the rules for the Park and program.

  • We will then go for a hike to experience the different ecosystems (grassland, wetland, and woodland) in the Park to examine their differences and consider what we can do to make sure they are functioning healthfully. 

  • We will then find a place where we can observe them and have a conversation about their specific characteristics and ways to keep them healthy. 

  • Activity: We will sit and draw a picture or write a poem about something they observed that was particularly interesting or pretty. A journaling activity about observations and comparisons among ecosystems.