Roots + Shoots


  • In this program, we will learn about the importance of roots, root systems, and shoots. 

  • We will learn that roots and shoots not only play an important role for the plant but for humans too.


  • To learn about different root structures, shoots, and how they provide the plant with stability, water, and nutrients. 

  • To also learn how roots and shoots benefit animals and humans.  


  • Roots

  • Shoots

  • Xylem

  • Phloem


  • As soon as plants moved from an aquatic to terrestrial environment (~470 mya) they evolved roots to provide structure, stability, and prevent from drying out. Something they did not have to “consider” when living in water. They also evolved shoots, which helped them get their leaves above the other plants and reach the vital sunlight. 

  • Roots are the part of the plant, typically underground, that hold the plant in place and absorb and transport water and nutrients throughout the plant. 

  • Shoots are the above ground structures that give the plant height and the ability to reach the sunlight better. They are a place from which leaves and grow. 

Program Outline

  • Students will first spend time walking through the Education Center observing the displays.

  • Students will then make their way to the amphitheater for a brief introduction to the activities for the day, review the expectations for the Park and program, and information about the program will be provided.

  • We will then go for a hike to the Far Field or into Elk Lake to look for flowers in the Park where we will examine them looking for some conspicuous differences between their roots and shoots.

  • We will then find a place where we can have a conversation about the floral characteristics and how they help plants survive. 

  • Activity: There will be root specimens for them to observe and will write a journal entry about the differences between root system types and give some advantages of that root system.