

  • In this program we will teach students about the wetland ecosystem and the conditions that they require. 


  • To learn about what a wetland is, what it requires, and how it differs from other ecosystems.   


  • Biome

  • Ecosystem

  • Flora

  • Fauna

  • Grassland

  • Woodland


  • A biome is a large area with a specific climate that dictates the flora and fauna that can live there. 

  • An ecosystem is a large community, within a biome, of living organisms. Wetlands are an ecosystem that is defined by three characteristics:

    • Hydrology (water present for 9 days of growing season —7 days consecutively)

    • Wetland Vegetation is Dominant

    • Wetland (Hydric) Soils are Dominant

  • Wetlands are important habitats for a wide diversity of organisms. There are both plants and animals that rely on wetlands for survival, growth, and reproduction. 

Program Outline

  • Students will first spend time walking through the Education Center observing the displays.

  • Students will then make their way to the amphitheater for a brief introduction to the activities for the day, review the expectations for the Park and program, and information about the program will be provided.

  • We will then go for a hike out to a wetland where we can examine and explore everything it is and has to offer. 

  • We will then find a place where we can have a conversation about the specific characteristics, plants and animals, ecosystem services, and how we can help wetlands remain healthy and functioning ecosystems.

  • Activity: Word Search